Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey

Direction: Ronaldo Laranjeira

Coordination: Clarice Sandi Madruga

Organizers: Ilana Pinsky, Raul Caetano, Sandro Sendin Mitsuhiro 


The SNational Survey on Alcohol and Drugs – BNADS (or “Segundo Levantamento Nacional de Álcool e Drogas – LENAD” in portuguese) was conducted by the National Institute of Public Policy for Alcohol and Other Drugs (Instituto Nacional de Políticas Públicas do Álcool e Outras Drogas, INPAD) and The Federal University of Sao Paulo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP). The study was financed by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq) and by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, FAPESP); and carried out by Ipsos Public Affairs.


The Second Brazilian National Alcohol Survey (BNAS) was conducted between November 2011 and March 2012. A multistage cluster sampling procedure was used to select 4607 individuals aged 14 years and older including an oversample of 1157 adolescents (14 to 18 years old) from the Brazilian household population and another oversample to represent the State of Sao Paulo. The global response rate was 77% and the adolescents oversample response rate was 79%. The sampling involved 3 stages: 1) selection of 149 counties using probability proportional to size methods (PPS); 2) selection of 2 census sectors for each county, with the exception of the 14 biggest selected counties, totalling 375 census sectors, also using PPS and 3) within each census sector 8 households were selected by simple random sampling, followed by the selection of a household member to be interviewed using the “the closest future birthday” technique. Approximately one-hour face-to-face interviews were conducted in the respondent’s home by trained interviewers using a standardized questionnaire.

Sample Details and Response Rates


A - Sociodemographic Characteristics



Income (individual & family)


Marital Status

Working Status

Family Configuration



C - Alcohol Harmful Effects



Income (individual & family)


Marital Status

Working Status

Family Configuration


A. Sociodemographic Characteristics



Income (individual & family)


Marital Status

Working Status

Family Configuration



B. Alcohol Intake

Based on the HABLAS questionnaire developed by Dr. Raul Caetano. Inclusion of two session to evaluate alcohol abuse and dependency based on DSM-IV and AUDIT scale.

Consumption in units


Age of onset

Frequency of binge drinking

Beverage type


Caetano, R., Ramisetty-Mikler, S., & Rodriguez, L. A. (2009). The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): the association between birthplace, acculturation and alcohol abuse and dependence across Hispanic national groups. Drug Alcohol Depend, 99(1-3), 215-221.

(Caetano, Vaeth, Ramisetty-Mikler, & Rodriguez, 2009)


Babor, T. F., J.R., D. l. F., Saunders, J., & Grant, M. (1992). Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [AUDIT]. American Psychiatric Association. Task Force for the Handbook of Psychiatric Measures (pp. 460-462). Washington DC: American Psychiatry Association.

(Babor, J.R., Saunders, & Grant, 1992)

C. Alcohol Harmful Effects
D. Alcohol Treatment



E. Drink & Drive

Frequency (driver or passenger)

Attitudes & beliefs

Policy acceptance

F. Tobacco Consumption

NDSS (nicotine dependence syndrome scale) and TDS (Tobacco Dependence screener) compilation.



Type of tobacco

Age of onset

Family history

Dependency (DSM-IV)

Beliefs / Attitudes

Policy Opinions

Quitting Motivation



Piper, M. E., McCarthy, D. E., & Baker, T. B. (2006). Assessing tobacco dependence: a guide to measure evaluation and selection. Nicotine Tob Res, 8(3), 339-351.

Kawakami, N., Takatsuka, N., Inaba, S., & Shimizu, H. (1999). Development of a screening questionnaire for tobacco/nicotine dependence according to ICD-10, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV. Addict Behav, 24(2), 155-166.

(Piper, McCarthy, & Baker, 2006)


G. Illicit Drug Use

NDSS (nicotine dependence syndrome scale) and TDS (Tobacco Dependence screener) compilation.

Lifetime use

Last year use

Age of onset


Cocaine, Stimulants, Snorted Ritalin, Crack/Merla, Oxi, Sedatives, Solvents, Ecstasy, Morphine, Heroin, Steroids, Hallucinogenic, Anaesthetics, Crystal, Cannabis


  1. Type
  2. Access

Cannabis Users only:

 Lifetime useAge of onset
Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS)

 Abstinence Symptoms


Cocaine Users only:

 Age of onset  Frequency  Severity of Dependency Scale (SDS)   Abstinence Symptoms  Tolerance symptoms  Injected use  Access  Quitting motivation  Treatment

SDC Scale

Cuenca-Royo, A. M., Sanchez-Niubo, A., Forero, C. G., Torrens, M., Suelves, J. M., & Domingo-Salvany, A. (2012). Psychometric properties of the CAST and SDS scales in young adult cannabis users. Addict Behav, 37(6), 709-715.

(Cuenca-Royo, et al., 2012)

Ferri, C. P., Marsden, J., de Araujo, M., Laranjeira, R. R., & Gossop, M. (2000). Validity and reliability of the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) in a Brazilian sample of drug users. Drug and Alcohol Review, 19(4), 451-455.

(Ferri, Marsden, de Araujo, Laranjeira, & Gossop, 2000; Martin, Copeland, Gates, & Gilmour, 2006)

Kaye, S., & Darke, S. (2002). Determining a diagnostic cut-off on the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) for cocaine dependence. Addiction, 97(6), 727-731.

(Kaye & Darke, 2002)

H. General Health

Translated version of the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England.


NHS Information Centre (2009). Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England, 2007: results of a household survey. London, UK: NHS.

(NHS Information Centre, 2009)

Diseases (Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey – APMS)



Physical Activity 


I. Policy and Advertising

Attitudes towards restrictive policies (alcohol & tobacco)

Advertising exposure (alcohol & tobacco)

J. Violence

Guns ownership


Policy Charges History

K. Adverse Early Life Events

Adapted version of the Conflict Tactics Scale Form R developed by Straus (1998).

Physical abuse Scale

Witnessing Domestic Violence

Family Drug Use



Straus, M. A., Hamby, S. L., Finkelhor, D., Moore, D. W., & Runyan, D. (1998). Identification of child maltreatment with the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales: development and psychometric data for a national sample of American parents. Child Abuse Negl, 22(4), 249-270.

(Straus, Hamby, Finkelhor, Moore, & Runyan, 1998)


Madruga, C. S., Laranjeira, R., Caetano, R., Ribeiro, W., Zaleski, M., Pinsky, I., et al. (2011). Early Life Exposure to Violence and Substance Misuse in Adulthood – The first Brazilian National  Survey Addictive Behaviors, 36, 251-255.

(Madruga, et al., 2011)

L. Domestic Violence

Adapted version of the Conflict Tactics Scale Form R developed by Straus (1998).



Police Charge


Straus, M. A., Hamby, S. L., Finkelhor, D., Moore, D. W., & Runyan, D. (1998). Identification of child maltreatment with the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales: development and psychometric data for a national sample of American parents. Child Abuse Negl, 22(4), 249-270.

(Straus, et al., 1998)


Hamby, S., Sugarman, D. B., & Boney-McCoy, S. (2006). Does questionnaire format impact reported partner violence rates?: An experimental study. Violence Vict, 21(4), 507-518.

(Hamby, Sugarman, & Boney-McCoy, 2006)


Zaleski, M., Pinsky, I., Laranjeira, R., Ramisetty-Mikler, S., & Caetano, R. (2010). Intimate Partner Violence and Contribution of Drinking and Sociodemographics: The Brazilian National Alcohol Survey. J Interpers Violence, 25(4), 648-665.

(Zaleski, Pinsky, Laranjeira, Ramisetty-Mikler, & Caetano, 2010)

M. Diet

WHOQOL-bref Scale developed by the WHO and validated in Brazil by the Psychiatric Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul .


Portuguese version: Grupo de Estudos em Qualidade de Vida – UFRGS (1998). VERSÃO EM PORTUGUÊS DOS INSTRUMENTOS DE AVALIAÇÃO DE QUALIDADE DE VIDA (WHOQOL) Porto Alegre: UFRGS.

(Grupo de Estudos em Qualidade de Vida – UFRGS, 1998)

N. Diet

The diet scale is a reduced adapted version of the Brazilian Health Council (VIGITEL)


Souza Ade, M., Bezerra, I. N., Cunha, D. B., & Sichieri, R. (2011). Evaluation of food intake markers in the Brazilian surveillance system for chronic diseases–VIGITEL (2007-2009). Rev Bras Epidemiol, 14 Suppl 1, 44-52.

(Souza Ade, Bezerra, Cunha, & Sichieri, 2011)


O. Depression

The diet scale is a reduced adapted version of the Brazilian Health Council (VIGITEL)


Souza Ade, M., Bezerra, I. N., Cunha, D. B., & Sichieri, R. (2011). Evaluation of food intake markers in the Brazilian surveillance system for chronic diseases–VIGITEL (2007-2009). Rev Bras Epidemiol, 14 Suppl 1, 44-52.

(Souza Ade, Bezerra, Cunha, & Sichieri, 2011)


P. Social Support

The pain self-report scale was based on the questionnaire developed by the 10/66 Demetia Group from the Psychiatry Department at the Kings College of London.


Prince M, Ferri CP, Acosta D, Albanese E, Arizaga R, Dewey M, Gavrilova SI, Guerra M, Huang Y, Jacob KS, Krishnamoorthy ES, McKeigue P, Rodrigues JL, Salas A, Sosa AL, Sousa R, Stewart R, Uwakwe R. The protocols for the 10/66 Dementia Research Group population-based research programme. BMC Public Health. 2007 Jul 20;7(1):165

(Prince, et al., 2007)


R. Social Support

Adaptation of the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England – APMS


Brugha, T., Bebbington, P., Tennant, C., & Hurry, J. (1985). The List of Threatening Experiences: a subset of 12 life event categories with considerable long-term contextual threat. Psychol Med, 15(1), 189-194.

(T. Brugha, Bebbington, Tennant, & Hurry, 1985)

S. Religiosity
T. Personal Questions

Sexual abuse during childhood 

Childhood Prostitution



Unprotected sex


Suicide (history/ideation/attempt)

©2021 - 2025 | UNIAD - Unidade de Pesquisa em Álcool e Drogas – LENAD